Who I am (at the moment).


I retired in the summer of 2021 and am in the process of changing my life focus again.

Changing your what? you ask. My Life Focus.

So – from birth to roughly age 15 my life focus was me – being a kid – having fun and surviving my world (I thing)

From age 15 to age (roughly) 30, my life focus was my family. My husband, my children, and my never-ending battle to be a good wife, a good mother, and . . . yeah that was an uphill battle. Don’t get me wrong. I loved my husband and children with everything in me, but I stunk at the typical ‘woman’s work. I hated housework. I could bake a perfect chiffon cake but I ruined simple cakes. Cookies came out burnt and my dishes were never done.

At about age 30 I started to focus on who I was and what I wanted to do with my life. My children were about 12 and 10 and I could see the day they would step into their own lives coming. I found a career path I liked and by age 40, I had completed two Bachelor Degrees and achieved what I needed to step fully into my new focus.

From age 40 through to age 55 I was focussed on my career and living the empty nest lifestyle with my husband.

At age 55, I lost my husband to cancer and refocussed totally on my chosen joy.

Then in 2021, I retired and decided it was time for a new life focus, It took a bit of time and some experimenting, but here I am, ready to fully enter my sixth life focus.

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You can access my various categories using the header of footer content bars. My poems are an expression of where I am mentally. My photos are snapshots of time that have meaning to me. You can track a more detailed list of reviews on my Goodreads site where I record everything I read – The good, the bad and the ugly. https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/141651989?ref=nav_mybooks

My Meandering thoughts sre simply that – things that pop into my mind – usually when I am reading. Transgressive Elements and Reflected Fantasies that should be are more of a political mussing about our society today and what our fiction reflects about the whole mess.

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