Scales ‘N’ spells

a six book series by AJ Sherwood and Jocelynn Drake

As I have read Embers (Scales ‘N’ Spells series) I have been rolling the ‘whys’ and ‘wherefores’ around my mind. Why do I find this series to be such a ‘feel good’ experience? Why do some others seem to think it is not the satisfying read I find it to be?

First, the book – Embers proved to be a rich buffet of characters, world, and plot. Partially this is due to it being the final book in the series. (spin-off series exist!) As the series develops, details are added that increase the richness of the characters.

Most of AJ Sherwood’s and Jocelynn Drake’s stories end up with 4 stars from me as I find them nicely developed stories with pleasantly rounded characters, set nicely into the alternative reality of their world, but not developed beyond what is needed to eliminate questions. Many lack the complexity of fully developed characters, world, and plot needed to take a book to the next level 5 for me. Embers took it up while remaining a positive, warm hug of a book. As I said, partially this is because of its position as the final book; however, there was a bit more detail and crafting evident in this book over the others.

The attraction for me is the way the books focus on the positive. In short, these two authors create stories where being kind, respectful, and supportive are crucial. Their plots are built on, and around these three qualities. Some might cry out “and love – the stories are all about love” and they would be right in part. I would respond that love is a given, where kindness, support and respect exist – love can not help but bloom in one of its many forms. These are the qualities that make these books one of my feel good ‘go-tos’.

Now – there are tons of books that are all about the positives, but they are not on my go to list for down days. Why not you ask? Well, because they avoid the negative which places them on my unrealistic list and drops them down to a 3 – maybe a 2.

Sherwood and Drake do not avoid the negative – they have villains, true evil and heart ache in their stories, but they do not dwell on those negatives. The dark aspects are needed to make the story better, to make it realistic, since life is a balance between the good and the bad, but they seem to refuse the dark aspects space to grow, and, I think, this may be why some feel the stories are underdeveloped. For me it is a positive thing – like I said – one of my ‘go-tos’ for down days. On good days, I enjoy a good dose of angst, pain, and suffering but on others, I need the softer touch. I guess it all depends on knowing yourself as a reader.

I also love the fact that these authors include non-binary and fluid characters without fanfare. They do not explain or excuse but simply include them as a normal part of life. They do not present them as ‘switching genders’, but simply as themselves. (On an aside: As an English teacher I dislike the they/them identification – it is the old plural argument – I much prefer ze – see below ) Finally, the dry humor and zany inner character monologues and thoughts are just the right touch of humor for me. “But, as some ancient philosopher once said (Nikki had no idea who, frankly), never interrupt your enemy while they were making a mistake. Or was it never correct your enemy while they made a mistake? Nikki would look that up later. Things needed exploding first.”

Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more


used instead of “he” or “she” to refer to a person of unspecified or nonbinary gender.
“I understood exactly what ze meant” The ze/zir pronoun sets come from the trans community as another gender-neutral pronoun set. It’s up to each individual to decide which pronoun best fits them and their identities. Ze is typically pronounced like the letter Z.
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